Jewish Values Blog Post

For this project we had to pick 5 important Jewish Values and we had to make a slideshow explaining why we chose the values why it is important were we could find the value in the Torah and how it connects to our lives. I did this project with my really good friend Sarah (Bianca).

The values I chose were:

  • Avoiding Waste: I chose this value because it is important to make the most of what you have, and the environment is very important to me. 
  • Truth: I chose this value because it is important to tell the truth, because if you don’t, it can create problems in the future
  • Responsibility: I chose this value because responsibility is helpful in many ways. It can provide trust.
  • Freedom: I chose this value because freedom took a big part in the Torah and our history as Jews.
  • Respect: I chose this value because respect is what builds a relationship with someone.

I leaned that a lot of people in our class think that responsibility is a really important value because almost everyone chose to do responsibility in there slideshow. I also learned that you can find anything in a Jewish text which is amazing.